Saturday, February 25, 2006

Scarf #3

Last week I realized that I can't show up in DC with birthday scarves for Erin & Jenn and not one for Jen. So last night I started a scarf for Jen based on the Fettuccini Drop Stitch Scarf.

I'm using Wool Ease Thick & Quick in Denim and size 13 needles. Its knitting up pretty quickly which is excellent since I leave in a week and a half!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Some progress

Quick post to show my progress on Erin's scarf.

Two strands of Moda Dea Dream (in Leaf) and size 15 needles. I started this two nights ago and have about 20" done so far. I think I'm going to have to pick up a couple more skeins this weekend to make it long enough. But maybe I'll be able to block it to make it longer. We'll see.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

First finished knit project!

Its just a simple scarf in garter stitch. I bound off when I finished the skein of Fun Fur (because I haven't yet tried to add new yarn). Its a bit short, but I sprayed it down to block and stretch it out. It was 41" when I finished and right now its pinned out to 55". I wish it was a tad longer, but I'm pretty darn proud of it!

Pre-blocking 1:

Pre-blocking 2:


Saturday, February 11, 2006

Finally finished!

Yesterday I swore I would not go to bed until I finished the damn baby blanket. This blanket has been the bane of my existance for the last couple weeks. I had made a baby blanket with Red Heart Baby Cloud last summer and had no problems. It turned out nice and fluffy and the recipients (my old college roommate & her new baby girl) loved it.

This time around, I wasn't so lucky. Each section of the orangey "creamsickle" yarn was about a full skein. And two of the skeins got so horribly tangled, that I think I spent more time untangling it than I did actually crocheting! It was very frustrating and I almost gave up a few times. Plus, every time I tried to untangle the damn yarn, it fuzzed everywhere. The floor in front of my couch is a mess of orangey fuzz. I am never ever ever using this yarn again.

I had been thinking about doing a whole border in the green "breeze" color. But I decided not to for two reasons: 1. I didn't want to start a brand new skein to just do a few rows and 2. I was sick to death of working on the damn thing! So I bordered two sides in the creamsickle and two sides in the breeze.

I plan to return the one unused skein of breeze to Michaels. And I threw out all the remanents of the creamsickle. I want to rid my life of this Baby Cloud!

So here's a picture of the finished blanket. I sprayed it down with lukewarm water this morning and pinned it to an old sheet. The whole thing is on the floor of my study, which is the sunniest spot in my apartment. Hopefully it will dry quickly.

Next up - finishing the fuzzy scarf!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

A little progress ...

The blanket is slow going because this yarn is super tangley. I vow to never use Red Heart Baby Clouds again.

Hopefully another couple days and I'll finish it. Then I can get back to the scarf.