Saturday, July 29, 2006

More knitting homework

This week for homework, we had to make a cotton dish cloth. We made small swatches in class and then had to make a full sized cloth at home. The pattern is very basic, but it was a great way to learn increasing and decreasing. Tho I had already taught myself the basics from SnB, it was wonderful practice. Plus, it was a quick knit, which is great for my impatient nature.

I knit this dish cloth using size 7 needles and some Lion Brand cotton from my stash. CO 3
k1, yo, k until end of row until 45 stitches on needle
k1 row
k1, k2tog, k until end of row until 3 stitches on needle
bind off

See, easy peasy.

And now on to the pics:

Almost done ...

The FO:

Sunday, July 23, 2006


So here's a crappy camera phone shot of what I've learned in knitting class.

Tomorrow night we're going to make a cotton washcloth. I'm so glad I took this class. I can't wait to take another.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Two Important Things

Thing the first: THANK YOU to my One Skein Secret Pal! I received the package last week and am so sorry I have not posted sooner (work, life, obligations, blah blah blah). Unfortunately I cannot find my digital camera, so no pictures just yet. But I received a beautiful blue & purple lace weight yarn - kindly wound into a ball for me. I do not have a ball winder, but I think perhaps it needs to be a future purchase. I also received a very cute "Fit" with googly eyes (I LOVE googly eyes!). The Fit has a little tag that reads: "I am a fit. I am here to help you through all your temper tantrums and moments of anger. When you feel your blood rising and your temper at a breaking point ... Don't throw somthing that may brak. Just pick me up and Throw a Fit!" I think I'll bring it to work to throw when my clients piss me off :)

Thanks again secret pal! I can't weight to try my hand at lace knitting.

Thing the second: Tonight was my first knitting class at Village Wools. On my first trip to VW about two months ago, the kind woman working there suggested I take the beginner class since I had taught myself to knit from books and the internet. However, while tonight was fun, I think I am the most advanced person in the class. I could have really used a Beginner Plus class or something. I did learn a new way to cast on though, so that was useful. The teacher did say that by the last class we may learn cables, so I am looking forward to that. And after only just one class, I'm sold on taking more classes. And future classes will be even better when they move in to their new space, I'm sure.

There were two unfortuante things about the class. First, we had to purchase needles and yarn. I had meant to call the store last week to ask about necessary supplies, but I forgot to do so. I ended up needing to buy yarn (Lamb's Pride Worsted) which I actually had at home. Tho I did buy a pair of needles in a size I did not have already (9). So that wasn't so bad.

The other unfortunate thing about class is one of the other students. You know how in every class there is one student who just never shuts up? Yep, we've got one of those. By the end of the class I wanted to throttle him. Hopefully he'll calm down a bit. His antics don't prevent me from learning, but he is annoying.