Monday, November 27, 2006


I'm working on my first project with DPNs. Well, I should clarify, my first project using *only* DPNs that is not a hat knitted mostly on circs or an icord. I'd post a picture, but my SIL has my digital camera so she can take the obligatory dog wearing antlers annual picture for their holiday cards. But enough about that ... and back to the DPNs.

I cannot decide how I feel about them. I'm knitting mittens from a pattern designed by the instructor of the intermediate class I'm currently taking. We're using Nature Spun worsted & sz 4s. So far I've got about 3/4" of ribbing for the cuff. I constantly feel like one of those needles is going to poke me in the eye. Thank goodness I mostly knit with my glasses on - otherwise I may need safety goggles!

I'm sure with more practice I'll get the hang of them and someday look back on this post and laugh at myself. But for now, they still make me feel clumsy.