Saturday, April 29, 2006

Half way there!

Fee's blanket now measures about 14x30, so I'm about half finished.

I can't wait to finish all these crochet projects so I can get back to the knitting!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Yet another baby blanket

Lately I feel as if everything I make is a baby blanket!

I crocheted a quick baby blanket for a woman who works for my father (who I know as well). She's having her third child - and she's 2 years younger than I am, but that's neither here nor there.

Anyway, she's due in about a month I think, and she doesn't know the baby's sex. Since I have too much yarn just hanging around and not a heck of a lot of disposable income, I used some of the off-white acrylic "one pound" yarn from the stash. I don't know if it was wise to make a baby blanket from white yarn, but at least its washable.

Here's a close up of the stitch:

I losely followed this pattern. I opted not to do the hood part because the baby shower was actually yesterday. So even though I had the blanket finished in time, I was too tired & lazy to drop it off in time for the shower. Whoops.

The blanket ended up being about 25" x 29". I think that might be a bit on the small side, but having never had a baby I really have no idea.

Perhaps I need to take a survey of all the folks to whom I've given baby blankets and ask if they are functional or not. But that survey will have to wait until I've finished the other baby blanket that's currently spread out on the floor next to the couch. Hopefully when that one is finished, I'll get a reprieve from the baby blankets for a while.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Another baby blanket ...

I haven't picked up any needles or hooks since I've been back from vacation. I seem to go through phases. When I'm inspired or have events I need gifts for, I'm really motivated to knit and/or crochet non-stop. But lately I just haven't know what I wanted to make. So this morning I decided to start working on a baby blanket for my "honorary" neice who will be here in July.

I bookmarked this pattern for a "bubble" blanket a while ago. And about a year or so ago I picked up three skeins of Red Heart in a lovely "watercolor" variagted print. I figured this yarn would be perfect for the bubble blanket and will match perfectly the bedroom baby shall share with her big sis.

This morning I crocheted a swatch to see how it will look. It works up quickly, which is always nice. But I'm not so sure I like how the colors of this yarn come out in this pattern.

