Friday, May 26, 2006


My first non-scarf, knitted and felted FO is complete! And with about 24 hours to spare until my SIL's birthday dinner :)


Post felting:

and a close up for good measure:

I'm very pleased with my first felting experience. The bag seems very sturdy. I really love the way the i-cord felted.

And now I'm off to my LYS to pick up supplies for my next project!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

My first knit non-scarf nearly FO

One strand Noro Kureyon #170 and one strand Nature Spun in "blueberry." I love the colors of the Kureyon, but I am not sure I really like where they end up on the bag. The bottom section is the front, the middle is the back and the top section is the flap.

I'm pretty proud of my decreasing - first decreses ever! I practiced a bit with some leftover Lion Brand Homespun and my SnB book before doing the real thing.

Now I need to make a 40" I-cord, sew it all together and felt it.

Monday, May 15, 2006

This was the beginning of the bag I'm knitting. That is until I realized my gague was off and I had to frog the whole thing.

I'm such a n00b.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I really should know better...

A couple nights ago, I started knitting a purse for my SIL's birthday. I was happily knitting along. But when I got to row 23, I realized in my joy of knitting had made me forget to check my gague. And guess what? My gague was off. Shocking, eh?

So I just frogged the whole damn thing and cast on with bigger needles. Oh well.

Check it out!

My blanket is Toddler Approved!

Sure, its supposed to be for her soon-to-be-here baby sister, but honestly, who can say no to that face??