Friday, September 14, 2007


When I was 15 or 16, I was obsessed with the New York Mets. Absolutely obsessed. I watched every game I could, and if I couldn't watch the game (more than half the games were broadcast on a pay cable channel that we didn't get), I listened to it on WFAN. I also listened to the pre and post game radio shows. And the post post game call in show. I read all the articles about the games in the next morning's papers (local and the NY Post which my dad always brought home with him from working in the city).

The obsession has faded over the years. I couldn't for the life of me name the 2007 Mets starting line up. But I admit, in mid-September with a 6.5 game lead in the NL East, I'm staring to get Mets-fever again.

I truly believe this is their year. If there's any such thing as heaven, my dad's up there pulling strings to insure the Mets are going to kick some ass this year.

1 comment:

Lex said...

So is my dad! He was a Mets fan, too. :)