Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I am DYING for a Karmann Ghia. I don't know anything about car restoration or maintenance and probably will end paying someone else a ton of money to restore one for me, but I have to have one. See, my grandma had a '73 (I think) green Ghia coupe. My brother and I used to play in that car all the time. We were fascinated by the fact that the engine was in the trunk. We'd take turns sitting in the driver's seat and turning the dials of the radio and tapping on the gear shift. We were too short to reach the pedals, which is probably the only reason we were allowed to play in the car. My grandma died when I was 11. I BEGGED my mom and my grandpa to keep the car for me for when I turned 16. But my stupid Uncle Jimmy thought it should be sold. Some lucky Ghia enthusiast got that gorgeous car.

Yes, after 21 years, I am still bitter.

Maybe I should email my uncle and tell him he needs to find me one since he deprived me of my grandma's. If only it were that easy........

Anyway, every few months I get the Karmann Ghia bug up my butt and I spend hours trolling ebay and Craigslist. One of these days, I'll buy one.

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